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Macropods of the Granite Belt

The name 'macropod' literally means 'large foot' and refers to the large hind feet kangaroos, wallaroos and wallabies possess.



Kangaroos of the Granite Belt include:

  • Macropus giganteus - Eastern grey kangaroo (C)



    Wallaroos of the Granite Belt include:

  • Macropus robustus - Common wallaroo (C)


    Wallabies of the Granite Belt include:

  • Macropus parryi - Whiptail wallaby (C)
  • Macropus rufogriseus - Red-necked wallaby (C)
  • Wallabia bicolor - Swamp wallaby (C)
  • Petrogale pencillata - Brush-tailed rock-wallaby (not in Girraween NP, maybe elsewhere)
  • Macropus dorsalis - Black-striped wallaby (not in Girraween NP, maybe elsewhere)


    Bettongs of the Granite Belt include:

  • Aepyprymus refescens - Rufous bettong (not in Girraween NP, maybe elsewhere)


    Key: (C) - common, (E) - endangered, (V) - vulnerable

    Reference: Species List of Wildlife of Girraween National Park, 2004, EPA, QPWS, Brisbane




    Please click on the image at right to download our Macropods of the Granite Belt brochure.