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Frogs of the Granite Belt



As their name suggests tree frogs spend the majority of their lifespan in trees or other high growing vegetation. They do not usually descend to ground level, except to mate or spawn. Whilst usually green in colour, treefrogs can change their colouring to suit the substrate they are sitting on, so their colouring can include hues of brown or grey.




Treefrogs of the Granite Belt include:
  • Litoria dentata - Bleating treefrog (C)
  • Litoria fallax - Eastern sedgefrog (C)
  • Litoria pearsoniana - Cascade treefrog (E)
  • Litoria peronii - Emerald-spotted treefrog (C)
  • Litoria rubella - Red tree frog (C)
  • Litoria subglandulosa - New England treefrog (V)
  • Litoria verreauxii verreauxii - Whistling treefrog (C)

    Rocket Frogs

    Rocket frogs get their name from having a long, pointed snout. They are also known for their extremely long legs giving them amazing leaping capability when compared to frogs of a similar size. These two species of rocket frogs are usually found along creek banks.


    Rocket frogs of the Granite Belt include:

  • Litoria latopalmata - Broad-palmed rocketfrog (C)
  • Litoria lesueuri - Stony creek frog (C)

    Tusked Frogs

    Tusked frogs are so named because of the small (up to 5mm) protrusions extending from the underside of the jaw.


    Tusked frogs of the Granite Belt include:

  • Adelotus brevis - Tusked frog (V)

    Ground-Dwelling Frogs

    Despite their name, the most popular habitats of the ground dwelling frogs, are the marshy soaks and still waters of drains and seepage pools.


    Large Ground-Dwelling Frogs (up to 45 to 80mm length)

    Large ground-dwelling frogs of the Granite Belt include:

  • Limnodynastes dumerilii dumerilii - Grey-bellied pobblebonk (C)
  • Limnodynastes fletcheri - Barking frog (C)
  • Limnodynastes peronii - Striped marshfrog (C)
  • Limnodynastes tasmaniensis - Spotted grassfrog (C)
  • Mixophyes fasciolatus - Great barred frog (C)

    Small Terrestrial Frogs or 'Toadlets' (up to 30mm length)

    'Toadlets' are usually found in moist leaf litter or under rocks or logs.


    Toadlets of the Granite Belt include:

  • Crinia parinsignifera - Beeping froglet (C)
  • Crinia signifera - Clicking froglet (C)
  • Pseudophryne bibronii - Brown toadlet (C)
  • Pseudophryne coriacea - Red-backed broodfrog (C)
  • Uperoleia laevigata - Eastern gungan (C)
  • Uperoleia rugosa - Wrinkled toadlet (C)

    Burrowing Frogs

    Burrowing frogs, such as the ornate burrowing frog, prefer sand soils and may be seen sitting on the walking tracks or in gutters, especially at night after rain.


    Burrowing frogs of the Granite Belt include:

  • Limnodynastes ornatus - Ornate burrowing frog (C)
  • Neobatrachus sudelli - Meeowing frog (C)

    Key: (C) - common, (E) - endangered, (V) - vulnerable

    Reference: Species List of Wildlife of Girraween National Park, 2004, EPA, QPWS, Brisbane





    Please click on the image above to download a copy of our Frogs of the Granite Belt brochure.